Три экспромта в форме вальса, соч. 40. Салонный дуэт, соч. 25. Для скрипки и фортепиано. Ноты
27.78 €
Композитор, скрипач и педагог Фердинанд Давид (1810-1873) — один из крупнейших представителей немецкой скрипичной школы XIX века. Наряду с другом и соратником Ф. Мендельсоном Ф. Давид возродил в исполнительской практике ряд забытых произведений композиторов эпохи барокко. В стенах Лейпцигской консерватории он воспитал не одно поколение выдающихся музыкантов, среди которых — Й. Иоахим, А. Вильгельми. Композиторский стиль Давида формировался под влиянием Мендельсона, в творческом багаже музыканта — сочинения для различных инструментов и составов, среди которых не последнее место занимают произведения для скрипки. В издание вошли экспромты в форме вальса соч. 40 и салонный дуэт соч. 25.
Сборник адресован студентам музыкальных училищ и вузов, профессиональным исполнителям, любителям инструментальной музыки.
The composer, violinist and educator Ferdinand David (1810–1873) was one of the greatest representatives of the German violin school of the 19th century. Along with his friend and colleague F. Mendelssohn, F. David revived in performing practice a number of forgotten works by composers of the Baroque era. While teaching at the Leipzig Conservatory, he brought up more than one generation of outstanding musicians, including J. Joachim, A. Wilhelmj. David’s composing style was formed under the influence of Mendelssohn, his heritage includes compositions for various instruments and ensembles, among which the works for violin are not the least. The edition includes Three impromptus in a form of a waltz op. 40 and Salon duet op. 25.
The collection is addressed to students of music colleges and higher schools, professional performers, and instrumental music lovers.
Сборник адресован студентам музыкальных училищ и вузов, профессиональным исполнителям, любителям инструментальной музыки.
The composer, violinist and educator Ferdinand David (1810–1873) was one of the greatest representatives of the German violin school of the 19th century. Along with his friend and colleague F. Mendelssohn, F. David revived in performing practice a number of forgotten works by composers of the Baroque era. While teaching at the Leipzig Conservatory, he brought up more than one generation of outstanding musicians, including J. Joachim, A. Wilhelmj. David’s composing style was formed under the influence of Mendelssohn, his heritage includes compositions for various instruments and ensembles, among which the works for violin are not the least. The edition includes Three impromptus in a form of a waltz op. 40 and Salon duet op. 25.
The collection is addressed to students of music colleges and higher schools, professional performers, and instrumental music lovers.